Arrival in Ethiopia + Visit to Mary Joy

one-moms-ethiopia.pngThe beginning of my journey to Ethiopia was not ideal. I slept through my 3:30 am alarm and was woken to the sound of my phone ringing -- the cab company calling to find out why I missed my 4:15 am reservation. Luckily, they doubled back and I made it to my flight out of Boston (barely). Then we had a 5 hour delay in Dulles (I am forever grateful to my friend Liz for her fine companionship and generosity during the delay) and the 13 hour flight to Addis Ababa. But anyway, I am finally here in Ethiopia!
Here's me, Asha, and Liz, extremely happy to be off the flight and on the ground in Addis Ababa:


The ONE Moms team is incredible and not long after we landed at the hotel, we headed out to visit an amazing organization -- Mary Joy Aid Through Development, a nonpolitical, nonreligious, nonprofit organization devoted to supporting and empowering impoverished women, children, and families. We were introduced to this organization by the utterly delightful Maya Haile -- a member of our ONE team who is a supermodel (yes, a supermodel) and who (with her husband) sponsors 10 children at Mary Joy. (If you're interested, sponsoring a child at Mary Joy costs less than a dollar a day and will provide them with the everyday necessities that all children deserve.)

I'm getting all tech fancy; here's an audio clip of me sharing what happened at Mary Joy:

Visit to Mary Joy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia by ChristineKoh

And here's the little girl I was talking about:


Image credits: 1) ONE Moms; 2) Karen Walrond; 3) ONE Moms

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I'm in Ethiopia at the kind invitation and expense of The ONE Campaign, a nonpartisan, advocacy organization dedicated to the fight against extreme poverty and preventable disease, particularly in Africa. ONE works to convince governments (the US, as well as others) to invest in smart programs that help to eliminate poverty and preventable disease in a sustainable way. ONE never asks for your money, simply your voice.