Minimalist Parenting

In Minimalist Parenting, Christine Koh and Asha Dornfest offer a fresh approach to navigating the current parenting climate that feeds on "more is better." Across a variety of parenting "pain points" (time, money, food, stuff, self-care), Christine and Asha show how to tune into your family's unique values and priorities and confidently identify the activities, stuff, information, and people that truly merit space in your life.

Minimalist Parenting has been featured in/on Redbook, The New York Times, Parenting, NPR, The Huffington Post, The Boston Globe, and more. In 2014 Christine and Asha received two Iris Award nominations for Minimalist Parenting: 1) in the category Game Changer, and 2) in the category Philanthropic Work for their #HelpWomenAtRisk fundraiser through which they unified their passions for Minimalist Parenting and ONE Moms.