Posts tagged decluttering
Edit Your Life Episode 31: Busting Through Paper Clutter
The never-ending nature of paper clutter -- incoming mail, bills, and school papers -- is both irritating and anxiety-provoking, and yet most of it can go straight into the recycle bin. Asha interviews Erin Doland, Real Simple’s organizing columnist and author of Never Too Busy to Cure Clutter. Asha and Erin discuss the wisdom of handling paper clutter in small bits, note the energy difference between mindful and mindless organizing, and share practical tips for both handling incoming paper and busting through the paper clutter already filling your house.
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Lifestyle Solutions Video: A Simple Way To Help You Edit + Organize Your Closet
Are you overwhelmed, uninspired, or frustrated by your closet? Does the advice to clean out your closet by emptying the whole thing and starting over seem untenable? Are you not feeling ready to limit yourself to a small capsule wardrobe? Yeah, ME TOO! But the good news is that there’s another middle ground way to approach closet overhaul. This simple hack helped me edit and organize my closet in a totally not overwhelming way.
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