Drawstring Solution

pens.jpgToday, a handy tip from Heather, because tomorrow is Monday, which means you're probably doing laundry today. Which means you've probably got drawstrings gone astray in your laundry basket:

My four children may look like me, but they all are tall and thin like my husband. Fortunately for us, there's no shortage of clothing made with adjustable waists or drawstrings. And while I truly believe drawstrings are one of the greatest children's clothing inventions ever, my frustration grows every time I need to rethread the waistband of a drawstring that has lost its way (or been undone on purpose by one of my three 3-year-olds).
The solution? So simple but a huge lifesaver. A friend suggested taking a pen with a pocket clip, looping the elastic band or drawstring cord around the pocket clip, and threading the pen through the seam, pen tip first. It works like a charm. I'm literally able to fix drawstrings in under a minute. Now if only I could get my laundry done that fast.

Image credit: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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