Bag the Habit

bag-the-habit.jpgI carry reusable totes everywhere; our car is loaded with them and I always have one scrunched up in my bag du jour. But my collection is getting rather tired so I was thrilled to learn about Bag the Habit -- makers of chic, lightweight, and roomy (apparently they'll bear up to 45 lbs) reusable bags made from 100% recycled fabric. I particularly love the luxe tote, which comes in pretty patterns and colors and is cleverly functional. The bag arrives as a compact little zippered pouch; when you're ready to use the tote, simply flip the bag inside out and your tote features a zippered pocket that's perfect for stowing keys, credit cards, or other small essentials. These totes even feature a small reinforced, padded area in the handles to ease the burden on shoulders. Pretty, functional, eco-friendly, and cleverly designed? I clearly need to order more.

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